

Enterprise Resource Security
Mastering Cryptographic Key Lifecycles

MTG Services

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We support our customers in all relevant stages from conception to efficient operation.

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Evaluation Facility for IT Security

Our evaluation facility for IT security is one of only eight facilities approved and licensed by the BSI since February 2005.

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HSM Consulting

Professional support in the selection of HSM and its implementation in your infrastructures

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PQC Consulting

MTG supports migrating systems to Post-Quantum Cryptography and in using PQC in new products.

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HSM Consulting

Hardware Security Modules (HSM) are the most secure way to protect sensitive data and keys from unwanted access. For the conception of the relevant infrastructure and its equipment with the appropriate HSM, highly specialized experts are required. This also applies to the development of individual software and HSM integration into existing systems. Only a professional implementation of HSM in your infrastructures will ensure that the increasing security requirements are reliably met.

Analysis Conception

HSM Consulting

Consulting SLCM

Suport Training

HSM Integration

Selection HSM

Add-ons Plug-ins

Individual Software

Scalebility Backup

Circle 1

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Protect your assets with MTG ERS, the modern and innovative certificate and key management platform.